1. babies!
I firmly believe that babies are just the best things ever!
I would just dry up and wither away without babies! I know I would! I just know it!
2. Chocolate!!! This is a major!
I love chocolate… Any chocolate. The best is Godiva though. It’s pretty expensive, but its sooo good. I think I’ll die and go to heaven now, just the thought of eating all that chocolatey goodness! Oh…. **shivers**
3. Books and coffee. This counts as one, you cannot have one without the other… its like salt and pepper, cookies and milk, and Romeo and Juliet. They just aren’t themselves without the other, so this most certainly counts as one.
I will only say that if you can’t have coffee with your book, you can have hot chocolate or hot tea instead, or in the summer a glass of ice tea or lemonade. These are your only alternatives. Do not mix with soda! That messes with the whole order of things and simply will not be tolerated. EVER! If coffee and books didn’t go together, would they put Starbucks in book stores? Hum, can you argue that one? Didn’t think so!
4. Chapstick, I think my lips would fall off my face without it.
5. M.A. Lemonade!!!!! No, this isn’t a brand of lemonade. It stands for:
Me (not me as in “me” but as in, the first letter in my name is M)
And it stands for:
Alyssa!!! Lys came up with it when we were about 6 or 7. Her family had met us at a museum near where we lived and we spent the day at the museum and library. Before we left, Lys hugged me and said “Oh, by the way we’re “M.A. Lemonade”, if that’s ok with you". Somehow it stuck, even though that was the last time we saw each other for a while (I think). See her family had moved “far away” and being very young children we didn’t think to write. We saw each other a sprinkling of times over the years and kinda fell out of contact with each other, except the occasional email. The whole story of how we came to being so very close again is for another post. We were 14 when we really started talking to each other and 15 (correct me if I’m wrong Lys) when we saw each other again for the first time in 3-4 years (again, correct me). We were thrilled to death and have about a million pictures of that trip! (Man, we looked so young Lys! and you’re hair was long!)
So that’s the last, but not the least, thing on my list. Hope you had fun crawling into my head for a bit. I think whoever came up with these questions must have been a curious and pushy person. Curious because they ask so many questions, pushy because they demand you pick favorites!
Love always,
The M in M.A. Lemonade!
Oooh I agree with all of them! Except for #5, haha! But that's fun. And oooh yeah, I'm pretty much addicted to chapstick. It's just so amazing! :D
ReplyDelete~Lauren :)
Great choices!! I'm absolutely IN LOVE with babies!! And chocolate, especially white chocolate. And truffles, my friends say I'm weird, but I don't care. Nice job :))
ReplyDelete-Jocee <3