Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I am on my lunch break at work. I was thinking about how my camera has been practically neglected since I started working here a month ago. I need to upload all of the pictures that have been waiting. Then I will post a lot of them. And then I will take more pictures and then go singing in the rain, and the song I sing will be "Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! I've got a beautiful feeling everything's going my way!!!"
**Ehem** Sorry. I got carried away. I am just in a very good mood. Yesterday Riah came by my work and we got to hang out for almost an hour. It was wonderful. Especially since we didn't see each other for two months before then!
And then on the way home from work, my mom told me some very good news about a party we're going to have in May. We will see people we haven't seen in years! I am super pumped about it.
I have an appointment at the DMV to get my license on April 21st. I am nervous because I don't want to not get my license. But since I am going then, I have to come into work an hour early. That means I gotta get up at 6:00am. **Cringe**
I am signing off now - I want to get some reading in while I still have some time left!

Monday, March 29, 2010


It is 10:40 pm. It is funny how the day drags on when I am at work but then it flies right by when I'm at home. I think something might be wrong with that.
It is 10:43 pm. Yes, it took me 3 whole minutes for me to type what I wanted to say in the above sentence.
It is 10:44 pm. This post has no rhyme or reason. I just feel like posting.
It is 10:45 pm. I am listening to Hillsong United and charging my new ipod touch. This is my 3rd time charging it since Saturday (the day I got it).
It is 10:46 pm. Over and out.


I don't like being stressed out. At all. But I am. :(

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I want to change the title of my blog to something smaller...better. Any ideas?
Please say you do because I'm drawing a blank... :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A wild day in the life of me.

Whew. Today is a kind of day that makes you very thankful for relaxation and quiet. From the moment I got to work this morning it was non-stop. We were rushing to get stuff done. There were some issues we had to work on for a little while. Things to sort and package.
There was constant noise. People talking. Computers humming. Clicking of mouses. Typing of keys. Paper shuffling. Phone ringing. Doors opening and closing. Beeping from various machines. Timers going off.
It was wild. But I'm getting used to it. I can block it out if I am really focused on something.
Sometime this morning (closer to noon) I closed my eyes and silently prayed for God to calm my calm me. A second later I smiled and almost laughed at myself. I didn't need to being feeling stressed in the first place. Yes, there was a ton to do. Yes, it was noisy. Yes, there is an annoying co-worker who gets on my nerves, and YES there was still the whole day ahead that was full of work, but that didn't mean I had to let it get to me. What's the point in letting stuff get to you? It only serves to make us stressed out...
After I prayed for God to calm me down I was fine. There was a moment that I could feel the stress coming on again, but I ignored it and was fine the rest of the day.
Isn't God so wonderful?! He made my day! Literally... :)
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Night Short Post.

There is a beginning and an end to everything. God is at both ends. He has everything planned. We all just have to trust Him. :)
Spending some time with God before I fall asleep,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Right now in my life I am...

  1. Thinking about what to wear tomorrow.
  2. Thinking about what I want to have for lunch tomorrow.
  3. Thinking that I should go get in the shower.
  4. Thinking too much and not acting.
  5. Thinking that this weekend, though good, has gone by too fast.
  6. Thinking about Riah and Becky (and their whole family).


  1. Just finished playing the wii with my family.
  2. Finished reading "A Love To Last Forever" book 2 in the Brides of Gallatin County series by Tracie Peterson. (About four hours ago) :D (Highly recommended)
  3. Started reading "A Dream To Call My Own." book 3 in the Brides of Gallatin County by Tracie Peterson. (Highly recommended too)
  4. Folded my laundry and did dishes.

Going to go do more acting than thinking now.

Let's hope this week goes smoothly and doesn't feel forever long. :)


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Saturday.

Today I slept until 11:30.
Today I painted my finger-nails yellow with sparkles, and my toe-nails green. Kinda weird, I know, but I was in the mood for funky. lol.
Today I bought Miss Congeniality and Miss Congeniality 2 for only ten bucks total!
I also had a dark cherry ice-coffee from Starbucks.
I laughed, sang, watched a movie with Bee, enjoyed 79* weather as we welcomed in Spring, and I thank God for the many blessings He gives.
Happy Saturday everyone! What a great way to relax and de-stress after a long, busy week!
Much love,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A week to remember.

Oh what a week! Allergies have made their spring appearance. Right now my voice isn't really wanting to work, and **sniff sniff** tissues have been flying.
But that is very dim in comparison to Riah's week. She had a death in the family. That's all I'll say for now. Let's keep her and the whole family in our prayers.

I am excited about tomorrow because when I leave work at four-thirty in the afternoon, I don't go back until Monday! The weekend is waiting for me to sleep, and not work at a desk! That makes getting up early again in the morning more bearable. :)

Any plans for the weekend for you?

It is supposed to get up to 70* here. I will be outside as much as I can stand it with all the pollen.

Have a blessed night.

Off to sleep, and wishing I could give Ri a hug :'( ,

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Precious Little Girl.

A few days back I found a web site about a little girl named Layla Grace. She is two years old and has cancer. She has tumors that are literally taking over her sweet, little body. When I read some of the blogs her parents wrote, I had tears in my eyes. Layla was in pain. She didn't want to be out of her room. She was sleeping most of the days and nights. Sh just wasn't like a normal two year old should act.
She died a couple of mornings ago. I wanted to share her story with ya'll because it touched me. I hope it does the same for you.
Layla had two older sisters and, of course, her mom and dad. They must be going through such pain from losing their daughter right now. I can even begin to imagine...
Here is the link to the blog:

Check it out!

Be blessed!

On my lunch break at work,

Monday, March 15, 2010

Godly Love

I can't really think of anything to blog about, as per usual, so I'll just share some scripture and wisdom with y'all that a lady at church shared with me.

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,  5Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;  6Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;  7Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.  8Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
13And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8&13 (KJV) - verses in ESV below for easier understanding

She was talking about how God had showed her that this (the above verses) was love after having been hurt by people who had said they loved her.  Her testimony really touched me, she said that although it seems like certain emotions we are feeling are love, it isn't real love unless these verses are practiced.  If you don't treat the people you say you love with kindness and and patience; if you are rude, boastful, insist on having your own way and act badly; if you envy what is theirs or envy them; if you are happy when something goes wrong for them, then you don't love them truly and perfectly.  And this is applicable both ways, if a person says they love you, but they treat you badly, or seem to show signs of acting contrary to how the Bible says a person who loves should act, then they may very well not know how to really love.  She told me that the gushy romantic feelings are not really necessary - nice, but you don't have to have them.  If you recognize this godly love in someone else you don't have to have any of the "oh my gosh, he/she is so amazing" emotions to commit.  I must say that she gave me quite a bit to think about, and I really appreciate her sharing her story with me.  Hopefully this bit of wisdom helps you as much as it helped me.


*4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful: 6it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but  rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  8Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.  13So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8&13 (ESV)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Lys asked me to blog, but I have to admit that a topic escapes me...  So, I guess I'll try something that Mariah does sometimes.  Hey, if it saves me from writing a boring post that nobody is interested in reading, it'll be worth it! :)

Outside the window...  Grey sky, looks like it's going to rain (please no!).  No sign of spring, which I am wishing would hurry up and get here!
I am thinking...  That I really need to put socks on.  My feet are ridiculously cold.
I am wearing...   A khaki skirt, coral shirt, pontail, glasses, and a yarn anklet...
I am remembering...  The last time I visited Lys and Bee.  We all went to a large shopping center (what's the name?) and got coffee.  Hung out and talked.  We didnt even really shop, which was great since I don't like shopping.  Boy, do I miss them! **sob**
I am currently reading...  Nothing.  Exciting, no?
I am hoping...  That I hurry up and catch up with school.  I am a little behind.  I am also hoping that I can see Lys sometime before her birthday, but now that she is a working gal she is too busy to visit her friends! (just kidding my dear bestest friend!)
On my mind...  School, I guess.
Noticing that...  That the petticoats are watching Disney Channel in the other room.  I can hear the theme song to one of the t.v shows. 
Pondering these words...  Um, none come to mind.
From the kitchen...  Nothing, well except that I hear a few dirty dishes yelling "Riah, get in here and wash us before your Mom grounds you for life".  Perhaps I should listen to them...
Around the house...  A bedroom that needs to be cleaned, dishes to wash, and pencils picked up (I just heard those crash to the floor, courtesy of one of the lil 'uns)
One of my favorite things...  My heart necklace. I wear it all the time.
A picture...
I took this recently.  I just love this picture, I don't really know why though.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mid-week life.

Today was super busy. I was glad though, because yesterday we had nothing going on at work. And I mean nothing!
Today, however, from the moment I got to work (at 7:40ish) to the end of the day (at 4:30) there was work to be done. I actually worked over time by a little over ten minutes (that made the end of the day 4:40ish). I got in the car with my mom and had to take some deep breaths and try to calm myself because I was feeling stressed. I don't like feeling stressed. :( No one does though, I guess.
This evening was great! I listened to my new CD (Hillsong "Saviour King [live]"). I made banana bread and watched IHOPU Student Awakening, and then American Idol. Needless to say that I am no longer stressed. Far from it actually. :)
I do have something sad to share...
Riah and I have hardly talked for a few weeks. We have texted each other, and maybe talked on the phone a few times. We used to talk every day for an hour or more. We are both so busy now that we just don't have time to talk. It's sad. I don't wanna think about it.

I have been trying to remember to spend time with God too. It is amazing how sometimes we can let our lives get in the way of spending time with Him. We don't even realize it at first, but it doesn't take long to notice a difference. During the days when I am working on one thing or another I find myself praying softly. You don't have to pray loudly, or even out loud at all for God to hear your prayers. He knows our thoughts, so don't you think He can hear silent prayers too?! Something else to think about...

I will try to blog again tomorrow, but if not, I will ask Ri if she can! I sure that will be a very special treat!

I am off to sleep now. Got a busy couple of days ahead!

Serving God is not a job, it's an adventure! (a quote off of a t-shirt I have).


Sunday, March 7, 2010

A good way to end a week!

This weekend provided me with a wonderful reprieve from work. Friday was very stressful. Not the way I wanted to end my first week at the job, but ya know what?! It's okay. God has everything in His hands. :)
Saturday I slept until 11:30-ish and then went to the barn around 1-ish. I rode Rascal (aka: Wathcal) again. He can be very grumpy. He's four. It's not unusual. I love him. We covered this already. Moving on.
My dad, Bee, and I moved four, count 'em, four 1200 pound round bales of hay. Lemme tell ya; it was a work out. But surprisingly fun!!! I was glad, no, THRILLED to have manual labor to do after a week of sitting in front of a computer. I am an active person. It's interesting to sit all day. I still want to cringe to think about. :) And I get to do it again this week! I am thankful for this job though.
Today (Sunday) Bee and I slept until about 9:30 and watched the Love Comes Softly movie and then half of the very last one of that series. We then went to have coffee with one of our friends. We went to a gardening place with her. After we said our goodbye's, Bee and I went to our favorite shopping center to just walk around. I like to walk. A lot. I realized that this week. :)
We came home. Danced in the kitchen to some music while mom made dinner. We danced more. Laughed until I got the hiccups. And then we laughed more. We are very happy people. Silly even. It happens when you have a good day.
We listened to some very anointed praise and worship music, watched a funny movie, I did dishes, now I am in my room about to get some sleep since I have a busy week ahead of me!
I hope you had a great weekend too! I wish today had lasted longer since it was so much fun, but maybe next weekend will be just as great!
Oh, I just realized that I haven't posted pictures on here in a while. Sorry about that. I'll do that as soon as I can. I haven't uploaded any pictures in a week and a half. My camera hasn't been used in that long too. It's sad.
God is my hero,

Friday, March 5, 2010

Super hyper-ecstatic-happy-expressive...

I am a little on the expressive side. My morning was stressful and long. Had so many problems at work today. At one point I had to pause and just pray that God would de-frazzle me. The afternoon was better. I got home and enjoyed myself. After some not using my brain for a little while (watching TV after I got home) I was soo happy. It is the start of a weekend! A weekend also starting with long, deep, un-interrupted sleep!
Now I am watching Bruce Almighty with Bee.
It is such a great movie!

Oh, yeah... "Super hyper-ecstatic-happy-expressive" describes me about two hours ago. I was totally having a great time being home and knowing that I didn't have work for two days. It's a great feeling.

Here's to consistent, random posts,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hilarious Peeps.

My co-workers are funny.
They are awesome.
One is pregnant with twins.
She is the one training me.
At one point today was were laughing really hard over some joking.
It's fun.
And guess what!!
Let's all rejoice right now.
I passed some tests today in my training today.
I was happy.
One of the photographers that works there got into a bad car accident on her way to a photo shoot. We don't think she was hurt. Just shaken up.
SO! That caused some scrambling around in order to get another photographer to take the other one's place.
It worked out. :)
I just had some coffee. YAY! I am good to go for another three hours minimum. :D
Now I gotta get ready to go to the barn. I am helping with the chores tonight.

Much love,
PS. You should read the "Lassoed in Texas" series by Mary Connealy! It is very funny and each book has a great story line. Well... I've only read two of the three... But I know the third one will be just as great!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is it only Wednesday?!

Getting up really early is going to take some getting used to. The weeks seems to be dragging on, but at the same time it has gone sorta fast...
I don't know about any of you, but I am looking forward to Saturday! Sleeping late. Maybe until noon... That's what is so good to think about every morning when I get up with the chickens. lol. This morning I wanted to cry when my alarm went off. It was so sad. I was thinking: "Didn't I just go to sleep?!"
I got over it.
Now I am home.
Lying on my bed.
About to go watch our normal TV shows. Including American Idol.
Then I will pack my lunch for tomorrow, lay out my clothes, and go. to. sleep.
Sorry if I bored you with my sleep talk. I might do that a lot until I get used to getting up at 6:45 everyday. If I ever get used to it...

Getting off this computer until tomorrow night,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here We Go Again.

It's snowing again. It's now sticking after a whole day of snow fall. I'm bummed. But whatever. Winter will be over soon, and when Summer hits us we'll probably want it to be cold again. It seems like we can't make up our minds huh?!
Okay. Just so ya know. These posts will be short now. Very short. I don't wanna spend too much time on the computer when I am home. I spend my whole day in front of the computer when I am at work... so I'm sure you understand. :)

Going to go listen to my new CD that was supposed to be my Christmas CD, but didn't in until today, and read a very funny book,