A few days back I found a web site about a little girl named Layla Grace. She is two years old and has cancer. She has tumors that are literally taking over her sweet, little body. When I read some of the blogs her parents wrote, I had tears in my eyes. Layla was in pain. She didn't want to be out of her room. She was sleeping most of the days and nights. Sh just wasn't like a normal two year old should act.
She died a couple of mornings ago. I wanted to share her story with ya'll because it touched me. I hope it does the same for you.
Layla had two older sisters and, of course, her mom and dad. They must be going through such pain from losing their daughter right now. I can even begin to imagine...
Here is the link to the blog:
www.laylagrace.orgCheck it out!
Be blessed!
On my lunch break at work,
Wow, thanks, Lys. Sheesh. Well I actually am appreciative of the fact you shared that. I just thought I was not gonna be a blubbering mess since I refused to listen to the radio the other day. Our local country station does a radio-thon to raise money and awareness for St. Jude's Children's Hospital and the entire day story after story is shared. It's a def a day of tears. Whew. I just spent a while reading a bunch of the blogs about Layla Grace and her family. They are definitely in my prayers.