Saturday I slept until 11:30-ish and then went to the barn around 1-ish. I rode Rascal (aka: Wathcal) again. He can be very grumpy. He's four. It's not unusual. I love him. We covered this already. Moving on.
My dad, Bee, and I moved four, count 'em, four 1200 pound round bales of hay. Lemme tell ya; it was a work out. But surprisingly fun!!! I was glad, no, THRILLED to have manual labor to do after a week of sitting in front of a computer. I am an active person. It's interesting to sit all day. I still want to cringe to think about. :) And I get to do it again this week! I am thankful for this job though.
Today (Sunday) Bee and I slept until about 9:30 and watched the Love Comes Softly movie and then half of the very last one of that series. We then went to have coffee with one of our friends. We went to a gardening place with her. After we said our goodbye's, Bee and I went to our favorite shopping center to just walk around. I like to walk. A lot. I realized that this week. :)
We came home. Danced in the kitchen to some music while mom made dinner. We danced more. Laughed until I got the hiccups. And then we laughed more. We are very happy people. Silly even. It happens when you have a good day.
We listened to some very anointed praise and worship music, watched a funny movie, I did dishes, now I am in my room about to get some sleep since I have a busy week ahead of me!
I hope you had a great weekend too! I wish today had lasted longer since it was so much fun, but maybe next weekend will be just as great!
Oh, I just realized that I haven't posted pictures on here in a while. Sorry about that. I'll do that as soon as I can. I haven't uploaded any pictures in a week and a half. My camera hasn't been used in that long too. It's sad.
God is my hero,

Oh goodness! When the WHOLE series of The Love Comes Softly came on Hallmark on T.V, I watched every single movie!! I was on that could for like 14 hours!! But it was worth it bcuz I hadn't seen those movies (except for one) and LOVED them!!