Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Book That Is A Must!

I have read this book five times. I am currently working on the sixth time. It is seriously that good!
Deeanne Gist is my favorite author...well one of. I have many. :)
"The Measure of a Lady" is one of the books that got me going on my three-book-a-week reading life. My reading pace had slowed down to a screeching halt around Fall and up till now. It is still slow, but, hey, I am reading something!
Lemme just say that my mom was super happy to have one of her daughters enjoy books as much as she does. :) It is so awesome how a story can bring a smile to my face. They can be so inspiring. The characters become real people to me. They are friends!
Okay, I'll stop going on and on now. Here is the description for the book:

Rachel van Buren arrives in Gold Rush San Francisco with two wishes: to protect her younger siblings and to return east as soon as possible. Both goals prove more difficult than she could imagine as her brother and sister are lured by the city's dangerous freedom and a missionary-turned-gambler stakes a claim on her heart. Rachel won't give up without a fight though, and soon all will learn an eloquent but humorous lesson about what truly makes a lady.

Speak Politely. Even when you're the only respectable woman around, protesting the decadence of a city lost to gold fever.
Dress Modestly. Wear your sunbonnet at all times. Ensure nobody sees your work boots muddied by the San Francisco streets.
Remain Devoted to Family. Protect your siblings from the lures of the city, even against their wishes.
Stand Above Reproach. Most difficult when a wonderful man turns out to be a saloon owner.
Rise Above Temptation. No, not even just a little kiss . . .
When these rules become increasingly difficult to uphold,can Rachel Van Buren remain a beacon of virtue in a city of vice?

Going to go eat dinner now,

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