Monday, September 6, 2010


Sometimes in life we look at all the bad things from the past or present and completely ignore the good things.
We often look at every flaw and never look past it to the beauty.
There are times when we think that no one is on our side, when, in all actuality, God is always there even if the people around us aren't.
We are all known to try to fix things that are out of our hands.
The way we think can completely change our attitudes.
If we stopped focusing on the bad things and look at the good, if we stopped looking at the flaws and look at the beauty, and if we stopped telling ourselves that no one is on our side, and believe that God is there, then, I do believe, the general attitude of most people would be a little bit better...especially if we stopped trying to fix things we have no control over.
Just one of my random thoughts,

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