Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another Little Kid Gone Weird...

Riah here, guess what?  I took Lyssa's hint to post something, so here goes...

When I was little I drank strawberry milkshakes, I didn't like them, but I drank them because they were pink!

I used to think that Malts would be like liquid malted milkballs.

Lyssa's mom has this big clock, a grandfather clock... I thought it was a door to another world, but I couldn't go up to it and open it, because that would just be rude.  It wasn't, afterall, our clock and besides I would have been in big trouble if I had touched it anyway.

You know how fast-food resturants have speakers in the ceiling to play music?  Well I used believe that people were in a room above us playing music and we could hear it through the "holes" in the ceiling.

I used to think saltine crackers were cookies until Kay told me they weren't.  I think that was a sad day for Mom, she could no longer trick her poor little child into think that crackers were cookies.  You can feel sorry for me now... I was deprived of real cookies for three years of my life!

I thought my Nana and Pawpaw were Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.  Hey! He had a beard, she baked cookies, plus he has a workshop behind his house...  It could be true.

I always thought it was comepletely unfair that Kay got to do all the harder school first, plus she got to do CAT's which looked really fun to me.  Oh, did I mention that I adored school?

I started reading a little when I was three.

I wanted to go to Mars (my favorite planet after I did an essay on it).  I changed my mind when I figured out how hard the training was on full-grown, "big", men.  Then I wanted to be an Astrologer... it was the next best thing to being an Astronaut.

There was a tabacco barn out in the woods behind our house (the one we lived in before the house we are currently living in), I thought a man lived in it.

And I think thats about it... For now.


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