Friday, April 29, 2011

It's been lovely, but I'm going to go scream now...

 CAN I EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW ANNOYING IT IS TO HEAR ABOUT THAT WEDDING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN? Ok, I'm better now. It's just that I have heard about on tv, on the radio, on the news (which I guess is tv) and all over the web... agh! I do no like weddings, never have, most likely never will (odd for a girl who is engaged, no?). What's worse is that this is a foreign Prince's wedding and we're hearing more about it then we heard about the American government possibly shutting down. Yeah... and that was our GOVERNMENT! Forgive me for being touchy about the whole thing (and I apologize if I offend anyone with this post... trust me, I don't mean too - I'm just soooo "grrr" about it).

Ok, thank you for allowing the rant. I'm going to go eat a Peep and edit photos.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. The wedding got old to me an hour into it. I'm not trying to be mean, it was wonderful, but it was starting to get...well..boring, and confusing. Of course I'm no British, so I don't feel "honored and subdued" for this day (even though it was a little exciting).
    I mean, yeah, people should pay more attention to what's going on in the U.S. the Royal Wedding's on which isn't even American, and here in the states nearly 300 people have been killed do to tornadoes in Alabama, and the government almost shut down, and American people are flying off to the U.K. and waving a flag of a different nationality. I mean, they can do what they want and be happy, but they should remember that they live in a country that struggles, too.
    Okay, I need to stop rambling now :)) :P
    -Jocee <3

  2. This was a huge day in history though.. Millions of people watched the Prince get married.. This was very cool. Same people watched Charles and Diana get married. Diana's funeral..this was a huge ordeal.. Seeing one of the boys that we actually watched grow up, finally wed. It's beautiful. Sure-but honestly..Im fed up with hearing about our government... So I was relieved for a break. To each his own...

  3. You did a pretty good job with your blog design here, Riah. :)

    I didn't watch the wedding, but I think there are multiple reasons everyone keeps talking about it:
    1) The royals are celebrities, and everyone likes to talk about celebrities (or at least the tabloid magazines do).
    2) Many Americans have a fascination with royalty for some reason; I think it's a cultural thing with the Brits.
    3) The news about a possible government shutdown, the many deaths from the tornadoes, and more is clearly not good news; I think sometimes people just want news they can be happy about...and a young, attractive couple getting married is something that can fit that description, it seems.

    Aww, the red dot went "POOF! It's gone!"
    Come back, red dot, come back!

  4. Jocee:
    I totally agree! We have completely under played so much that has gone on - important stuff. Not just recently either. The whole problem is that we are more interested in famous weddings then we are in our own country's problems.

    I would much rather hear about what new laws they're trying to sneak past us in various bills then hear about a foreign wedding.

    Thanks! This is my newest design (currently) so I have learned more. I can't wait to change Something Beautiful, Petticoat Junction and release my newest design (for a blog that is open to everyone yet).

    I agree. What's sad is that people would much rather ignore our own problems and get wrapped up in foreign affiars. Americans need to get their priorities strait.

    I love the red dot! I'll tell you a secret - the red dot goes on past the "POOF! it's gone". The red dot is in the "O" in gone.

  5. I think that the Royal wedding was a little over played before it happened seeing as how they talked about it for months... However I do think it was a nice, happy break. We have so much darkness, death, and government problems that seeing something that is a happy occasion, even if it is in a different country, is something a lot of people needed.
    There is something to be said for having a break from "drama" as we all know it. I know that in my personal life having a break from the drama is very helpful even if I do hafta come back to reality at some point.
    That really isn't differnt than our country watching a Royal Wedding for a day...

  6. The font on here is pretty, albeit somewhat more difficult to read than something normal like Times New Roman or Georgia...

    D'oh! I let myself be defeated by the evil red dot...thanks for the secret.
    Listen here, little red dot, I'm coming back for round two; you won't win this time!


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