Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I turned...

19 today.



  1. Happy birthday, Riah! I was debating whether to say happy birthday on another post like Lyssa's recent one, but guessed you'd probably write a post about your birthday. Yours was rather short, though. :) I guess you haven't had your wedding yet, or you'd have said something about it.

    Anyway, I'm going to try to reply to your comment today - sorry for taking so long.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Max:
    Oh goodness! I must not have clarified! My wedding is June of 2012!
    Good guess! And yeah, it was short... I'm not good with spotlights :)
    And thanks!!

    Thanks bunches girly!

  4. Happy {{late}} Birthday, deary!!! Hope you had the best one ever!!!<3 <3 <3 Love you!

  5. Thank y'all so much Autumn and Mary! Love you too Mary dear!


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Have a wonderfully blessed day!