Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I can’t wait to dig in!

I am soooooooo thrilled! Guess what?

Oh wait… maybe I should back up.

Lyssa and I exchanged our gifts today. We choose the Tuesday (Tuesday because we go to South Carolina for raw milk every other Tues. and her house is on the way) closest to whatever holiday we’re celebrating and give our gifts that day. So today was the day. We had great fun sitting in the middle on the living room floor directing each other as to which gift to open first and which to save for last – yeah we’re bossy that way. Between laughing at each other, talking to mom and T. Lynn, and pushing various dogs out of the way, we opened our presents. Guess what I got?

Books!!! Yes, books. The most wonderful things created. The bestest things ever (well, she gave me something better, but I’ll save that for last).

She got me: “Saint” by Ted Dekker, “Showdown” by Ted Dekker, “Sinner” by Ted Dekker and “Kiss” by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy.  Can you tell I like Ted Dekker’s books? I’m a recent fan. Lyssa converts me all the time, First Cathy Marie Hake, then Tamera Alexander, then Hillsongs, then Mary Connealy, now Ted Dekker! Whatever am I going to do with her? I can’t afford to like so many authors and bands (not that she has converted me to more than one band – but I already liked Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, Tenth Avenue North and Robert Pierre).

The best present is a picture of me and her framed in an antique-y picture frame (is antique-y a word?). She is such the little sneak. I asked her to take pictures of me for Superman as a Christmas gift because he constantly tells me that I need to give him a picture of me. I didn’t have any good recent ones because I don’t like pictures of me and anyway I’m usually on the other side of the camera. Well she took the pictures and like we always do when we’re taking pictures (of anything), we took some of us together – at her suggestion. Little did I know that I was being trick into posing for my own Christmas gift. Its beautiful too, Lys is a talented photographer!

Now all I have left to do is dig in. I’m finishing “Wrangler in Petticoats” (which is very good – 5 stars) by Mary Connealy, then I’m gonna read “Head in the Clouds” by Karen Witemeyer, after that I’ll read my Ted Dekker books! Yay, I needed new reading material – I’ve nearly exhausted all of mine.

Your content,



  1. You drive to another state every Tuesday to buy raw milk?

    Well, okay.

    I grew up on a dairy farm and my husband (now a rancher) and I had a dairy farm for many year. I think the 'raw milk' thrill is gone for us. We're all excited to get milk someone else gathered and cooked and bottled and shipped to the store.

  2. We can't legally buy raw milk in NC. It's not illegal to pocess and consume, but it's illegal to buy for human consumtion. Ridiculous I think, since we are a "free" nation and therefore should be allowed to freely choose what we do or don't eat... Ok, I should probably stop now, before I really get going.
    And we go every other Tuesday. We think raw milk is healthier than pasterized milk, so thats why we go.


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