Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I got…

…a laptop! Grandma (not the one who live with us) brought it with her when she came for the Thanksgiving dinner. I am really liking it. Since it is a laptop it’s a tad slower than a regular computer, but my only true complaint is that the screen resolution isn’t high enough and wont let me see a whole page unless I zoom out. But, Grandma is going to see what she can do about it. Just so you know, my Grandma programs computers, so she can do just about anything with one. Isn't that awesome?

Well, I guess this is the end of my very short post. Lyssa’s new design should be done soon, but since it is holiday season I make no promises. Sorry both Lys and Kay – who is waiting on a design as well – about the delays.

Ok, now I am officially finishing this post, because I can hear coffee being made downstairs and nothing is better than sipping coffee while wearing p.j.’s!

Riah (sorry, my signature is in the other computer and I haven’t moved it over yet)

1 comment:

  1. Very cute ! Who could be more lucky than you to get a laptop from your gramdmother?


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