Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Crisis Averted

OK so it wasn't REALLY a crisis but it was close. There is an annoying guy that is the son of a woman I work with. He has been TRYING to "hang out" with me since I first met him, however I have no interest in him and I'm busy.
So, the last couple of weeks he has been in town visiting his mom (he just graduated high school and lives in VA with his dad) and he keeps asking and asking when I'm free to "hang out".
I'm really even if I wanted to (which I don't) I wouldn't be able to! Today, when asked again, I told him I had work all week.
"You're breaking my heart." He says...
I don't reply. Then he says "When I come back into town I'm going to take you on a date."
Um. No.
But I hate to say no and hurt people... so I was thinking of ways to nicely say no without leading him on...
Riah (who I was txting) and my friend Rachel (who I was with at the time) both were telling me to JUST SAY NO!
Needless to say it took me a while to work up the nerve to be so...blunt. But to make it sound better I said, "No... I'm actually out with someone right now." I was! Just not on a date... lol.
He said "Oh cool, i was just using a date as a cover.. I have a girlfriend. HA! sure....
Anyway... that is my one girly-omg-annoying-guy post.
Carry on, people, carry on.

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  1. You are entirely too nice sometimes. I'm not saying to be mean, but putting your foot down occasionally is a good thing.

  2. I've been told that a lot :) I know I am too nice sometimes (most of the time) but I'm trying to make myself not be AS nice when the situation calls for it. Its harder than I thought!

  3. Glad to know I'm not the only one with weird guy experiences... When I worked at a store handing out samples a guy kept coming up and complimenting my smile. Then he asked to shake my hand... I was just hoping that would get rid of him... Then he kissed MY hand! After washing my hands three times in a row... I could still feel it. I was soooo grossed out! Let's just say I hid behind my cart when ever I caught a glance of him in the store.
    An it is a good question on how to tell a guy, No I'm not interested in dating, while still trying to be nice... Is it even possible?

  4. Oh that is really gross! Why do some guys have to be so weird?!
    I don't know if its possible to be completely nice when saying no. But as Riah told me, "If you were any nicer you would have had to spell it out with M&M's."
    I guess its either say no or make them think that you are interested.... I'd rather say no. (Although I feel bad when saying no....)

  5. Haha! M&M's are good... but I guess your right. :)


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