Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Something about Photography!

There is just something about photography. Something about being behind a camera. Something about hearing that shutter sound or adjusting the Aperture knowing just what DOF you have in mind. There is some about capturing a scene, a moment, an emotion for all time. Making a picture come out exactly how you had in mind. There is something about spur of the moment photo shoots. There is just something about it that is so wonderful, so creative... Just so amazing.

I am a moment catcher...

...a light writer...

...a shutterbug...

...a photographer...

I may not be an amazing one, I may never be one of the best, but it is what I love and what I have a passion for and I'll do it until I'm no longer capable of turning that shutter dial or compressing that oh-so-wonderful button.
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I am glad you stopped by my blog! I love to read what ya'll have to say, so feel free to leave a comment!!!
Have a wonderfully blessed day!