I got ready for the day and headed off to my first official day at the photography studio. (yay!) It was great - Julie and I worked on creating our Fall pricing chart and brain stormed about new ideas for the company. That took a couple of hours and then we unboxed some new shipments of prints for clients. Then I went home. I ate. I brushed one of my puppies. Grabbed my computer. Now I am telling you about my day. lol.
The clock is being very mean to me. I only have 15 more minutes before I hafta go work at the bookstore.
Its been a rainy mess for the last two days - it makes me want a fire in the fireplace and a big fluffy blanket to curl up in as I read a super good book. Yep - that sounds nice.
Here are my complaints of the day:
2. I have not been able to talk to Riah in a while - I mean we have talked some but I don't count 5 minute conversations...
3. Riah has not texted me ONCE today. Ya hear that Ri? You should txt me. Now. ASAP. Chop Chop. Tick Tock Tick Tock. My foot is tapping. I'm waiting!
4. I don't want to wear my uncomfortable work shoes today. They hurt my feet.
Here are my happy thoughts of the day:
1. I'm working with a Photographer and I get to shoot a wedding with her on Saturday.
2. I have the bestest friend in the world.
3. I'm slowly but surely saving up money to go to Australia :)
4. God loves me!
I'm off to get changed into work clothes!
Much love,

Raining here too. Busy day, huh?