Monday, September 5, 2011

The Damsels Daybook

From Autumn at Storygirl.
Outside my window... it's raining like crazy.
I'm thinking about... french fries. I'm dying for some!
From the kitchen... absolutely nothing.
I am creating... tons of skirts and a secret project.
I am reading... Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl.
I am listening to... Long Live by Taylor Swift, the girls making various noises.
I am hoping... That I'll get around to working on Bree's blog design soon - preferably this week.
I am planning... On getting my hair trimmed and layers put back in tomorrow.
I am wearing... a blue jean skirt made out of blue jeans, a black and blue print t-shirt and jewelry.
Around the house... nothing much. It's a lazy labor day :) Oh the irony.
My wish of the week... um?

And thats about it. Later I'm going to take a picture of the boarding passes they give you when you go to the Titanic Exhibit and I'll tell y'all about the trip.

Much Love,
Riah Friah 

P.S. The song "Acceptable In The 80's" is really, really weird!!!


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Have a wonderfully blessed day!