Friday, October 21, 2011

A sweet award!

Autumn @ Storygirl was very sweet and gave us this award:
The rules state that you are supposed to share 7 things about yourself, but there are two of us, so we'll share 14!

Riah's 7:
1. I love Secrets by One Republic.
2. I love hot chocolate with hazelnut creamer.
3. I am super clumsy, and no, I don't care what your book says, clumsiness isn't romantic or cute. Mostly it's just painful and embarrassing.
4. I have considered doing NaNoWriMo to get my book really going, but I don't have time, plus "NaNoWriMo" just sounds plain silly.
5. I procrastinate. At least four skirts and two blog designs should be done my now that aren't.
6. I love pens, pencils and notebooks. I don't know why, but I do.
7. Maple syrup cotton candy is the best cotton candy - it actually tastes good, unlike that other pink and blue stuff!

Lyssa's 7:
1. I am a very random person.
2. I should have been born in the 40's.
3. I have books everywhere - literally everywhere.
4. I love to stand in the rain.
5. When I get super tired I laugh hysterically over everything!
6. I constantly listen to music.
7. I hate to spend money, but I like to shop. I shop, I just don't buy anything. 

We award all of our dear followers, you know who you are :) We love you all and couldn't think of just 5 people to award. If you decide to take the award, comment and let us know! We want to read your answers!
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  1. Thats awesome! Loved reading your answers!
    I'm a follower, can I take this award? Please :)

  2. Yes you may take it! It's for all of our followers! :)

  3. You two are so funny. Lys, you laugh histerically when you're tired, and Ri laughs histerically when she's in pain.

    Ri - you're not super clumsy, just moderately so.

    And for everyone out there - YES! Lys does have books EVERYWHERE. Even at our house. She doesn't let Ri return the ones that have been borrowed.She begs her to keep them. You've been to our house Lys - you know we already have books everywhere - in every room. Geeezze.

  4. hey, awesome! can i have an award? i follow you :)

  5. Yes you can have the award, Cubette!

  6. I loved reading your answers. You are two very interesting girls. And how sweet to give it to all your followers.

  7. Thanks Autumn and thank you for the sweet award!


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