A lot has been going on lately - I haven't even been able to talk to Ri about it much which is very sad!
I am going to be quitting my bookstore job next week and working with the photographer almost full time - when I'm not working with her I'll be working at the kids hair salon my mom works at as a part time receptionist - that will only last until my photography picks up.
There is a chance I will be in Australia in January or July of 2012 - I was at a Hillsong United concert on Tuesday (AMAZING!!!) and when I was waiting in line to get a t-shirt I saw that they had a sign up sheet for a free semester at their college and I signed up for it! Now I hope that I get it!!
I am going to another Hillsong United concert on the 19th (next Friday) and can't wait - now I just hafta figure out how to tell someone I don't want them to go and I want my mom to go instead.... :/
I'm making some changes to my room - taking some stuff off my walls and adding other stuff - and I actually cleaned it! YAY! Summer really took a toll on my cleaning time... now my room is clean and mostly organized. So happy about that.
I miss Riah - we haven't really talked in what feels like a month :( - We don't really know what each other is doing!
I started my Bachelors course in my online class a couple of weeks ago - it's boring - I despise it - but it's something for now!
I should go get out of my pjs and get a move on my day - yes I know its 1:30.... but it's my day off (until 6:30 tonight) and I am enjoying it! :)

You could be coming to Australia!?!?!?!? Do let me know if you are! As if the opportunity arises I would love to meet you in person!
Neat blog! Keep it up.
~Miss Raquel
PS: I'm having a giveaway over at my blog :)