What's new/going on right now:
1. Job Hunting
2. Relaxing
3. Reading
4. Planning
Now to explain:
1. Job Hunting: I'm on the hunt for another job. My hours have been cut down to between 9 and 15 hours a week. Blah is right. So I'm on the lookout for a job in photography somewhere. Be it taking the photos or working with them - there's gotta be something!
2. Relaxing: I don't go to work today so I'm taking some time to relax since I'm always on the go.
3. Reading: I've been reading "Whispers on the Wind" by Maureen Lang for over a month now. I usually read three or more books in a week... I've gotta catch up on my reading very badly!
4. Planning: I have a ton to think about and plan. Looking into schools and jobs takes so much time. On top of that trying to plan a trip... agh.
For school I'm looking at different photography courses and possibly another option which I won't mention just yet... :)
Ok - I'm off to plan and then read!

I really want to get a photography job soon as well (and I'd like to start a photography business) after I move next month; I hope that works out for you, Lys.